PPC Industry & Insights

Display Ads: Grow Traffic & Boost All-Channel Performance

Display Ads: Grow Traffic & Boost All-Channel Performance

Jack Campbell Jack Campbell
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Display ads are great visual addition to your paid portfolio. Operating across Google's Display Network (GDN), they put an ad in front of millions or target specific users, spreading awareness and delivering specific messages at a low cost.

There are two types: Responsive Display Ads (RDAs) and Image Ads. RDAs pair an image with various headlines and descriptions. Image Ads are more visually engaging, often using text overlays or GIFs.


Image Ads:

The GDN spans across a vast number of websites, apps, and Google owned entities like Gmail and YouTube. Choosing specific ad formats across these platforms ensures your ads engage users effectively, driving them to your website or highlighting specific events.

An important strategic factor to identify before running your ads is understanding the demographics, interests, and types of users you need to target using Google's interest and demographic-based models. Retargeting audiences can enhance this strategy, focusing on users who've already interacted with your website.

For a broader overview of the GDN, check out Alan's blog, which offers valuable insights into why you should be using GDN.


Situational Tendencies

Over the past two years, the use of Display ads has impacted PPC performances across a weekly, monthly, and yearly comparison. During traffic dips (due to external factors like environmental, economic, or fashion trends), Display ads have proven very useful.

Across diverse client targets, Display ads have increased traffic for events or targeted campaigns, positively impacting performance metrics. The increase in traffic volumes was evident not only through PPC channels but also across Organic and Direct channels. Additionally, there were notable improvements in user signups, returning customers, sales, and revenue.


Goals, Expectations and Outcomes

For example, to increase visibility and presence of a specific product category for an e-commerce client:

  • What we want from the Display ads: Increase traffic and sales for a selected product category, focusing on new and returning customer sales.
  • What we think will happen: Drive new customer sales by targeting a new audience (interest and demographic based) and increase returning customer sales using retargeting
  • What did happen: Higher traffic from PPC, with increased sessions from new users leading to more new customer sales and stable returning customer sales, boosting revenue.

Strategically using Display Ads can significantly enhance traffic volumes, ensuring content remains relevant and engaging for users.

As always, we love discussing all things PPC, so don't hesitate to get in touch!

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