PPC Industry & Insights

A Few Things That Affect Your Google Ads Quality Score

A Few Things That Affect Your Google Ads Quality Score

Kirsten Douglas Kirsten Douglas
3 minute read

This is something to check on your search campaigns each month as changes to the campaigns could cause your quality score to fluctuate. The same goes for if there hasn’t been any changes in months, as Google might review the data and decide that the information provided is not as relevant as it once was.

3 main factors are used when calculating the overall quality score, and these are: Keywords, Ads, and Landing Page. These are analysed for relevance, search intent, and user experience, and calculated to assign a score of 1-10.

Having a good quality score is good for you, cost per click decreases and leads and sales increase, as well as for the user, as they are being served useful ads, and being directed to informative and easy-to-use pages.


  • Divide your keywords into manageable ad groups of similar themes.

  • Check on low-performing keywords every few months. If keywords haven’t had a single impression or click in 6 months, then consider pausing them.


  • Try not to repeat the information through too many assets.

  • Make sure your headlines contain some of the keywords from your ad group.

  • If your ads have a low CTR, those ads probably haven’t had much relevancy for users. Check your assets and see what headlines and descriptions are in need of an update.

Landing Page

The landing page experience can be split into 2 factors:

  • Page Speed

    • If it takes a while to load a page, the score will be lower, and some users will simply give up and continue their search elsewhere.

    • Check your page speed score across all pages of your website every few months and make any necessary improvements on the backend.

  • User Experience

    • Make sure there is enough information on the page for the user to complete their query.

    • Or is there an easy-to-use lead form for the user to get more information?

    • Also having enough relevant text on the page helps with linking from keywords to ads to the landing page, without it being cumbersome of course.

    • Check that the layout is user-friendly across all devices and browsers.

These checks will make sure there is a strong link from keywords to ads to landing page, and provide more relevancy for users. Finding time to audit quality scores on accounts on a regular basis can be tricky, but it is worth it in the long run if you can improve performance for your clients or for yourself.


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